odor removal

Ultra Steam Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning odor control

Basic rules of odor removal

The first step for odor removal that needs to be taken is to eliminate the source of the odor. If the odor is coming from your pet, the contaminant must be removed (cleaned away). The second step is to determine the nature of the odor and locate all of the contamination. We use a powerful ultraviolet light that shows urine contamination not visible under normal light conditions wherever they exist. Next, we treat the contaminated areas. An effective solution designed for each type of odor will be used that will dissolve the contaminants which is then applied directly to the affected area. The solution is allowed to dwell and then removed with a special tool designed to remove moisture beneath the carpet backing and pad.

If the odor is from smoke, cooking or something other than pets, the odor removal process may differ. A complete wall to wall cleaning may be necessary to remove as much of the odor causing contaminants as possible. Cleaning your furniture may also be required. This is followed by the ozone process and or ultra low volume fogging.

water damage odor

This odor has a sour, musty smell that lingers even after the are has been dried. Removing odors caused by water damage requires knowledge of the type of water damage that has occurred. For instance, water damage caused by a burst pipe or leaking window is typically easier to remediate than a sewage back-up. Then of course there is water damage odor that can be caused by carpet cleaning. Usually the center of this problem revolves around proper air circulation but can also be a result of sloppy workmanship. Let me elaborate so you have an understanding because usually the blame is attributed to the carpet cleaning service.

Odors caused after carpet cleaning usually stems from poor air circulation. The moist humid air needs to be evacuated in order for proper drying to occur. Lower level rooms, basement areas, large commercial areas that don’t have a proper ventilation system in operation will have odor problems if they aren’t used. Although setting up fans are helpful, they won’t do anything except blow humid air around if there isn’t another system in place to assist the removal of the humidity. During warmer seasons air conditioning should be turned on and the fans will help circulate the humid air allowing it to be removed. If no air conditioning is available, widows need to be opened and the fan(s) will assist pushing the humid air from the room. In warmer months the heating system will dry the humid air and the fan(s) will assist distribution of humid air to dry out easier.

The unfortunate event of receiving poor carpet cleaning service can be off-putting and leave you feeling with regret and maybe even distain. This will happen with your typical “bargain” service providers but not limited to them alone. They lack the knowledge to inform you of preventive measures before service begins because they simply don’t recognize potential issues that can arise. There is also the problem of using inefficient equipment that lacks the power to remove as much water as possible. Then of course there is the technician that works so fast, he can’t possibly remove the water and is likely leaving residue in the carpet as well.

Making an informed decision

We hope that this information helps you make the right choices when selecting a service to correct any issues that you may encounter. Our repeat clients rely on the value Ultra Steam Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning provides because we’re knowledgeable, experienced and clearly communicate which eliminate confusion and instill confidence that you made the smart choice.

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